
June 11, 2015

Look at me, actually writing a post! I don’t know what’s with me lately. I would blame it on nice weather, but we haven’t really been having any of that. I’ll just call it burn out and exhaustion. I haven’t been wanting to cook lately or even do much other than lay down and fall asleep as soon as I get home. No joke, we’ve had PBJs, cheese sandwiches, and frozen pizza for dinner many, many times the last few weeks. Apparently sandwiches are the lazy girl’s dinner! Perhaps I’m feeling lazy because I’m jealous of students getting out of school for the summer. I’ve had a bunch of busy weekends and two more busy weekends on deck — bachlorette party this weekend (!) and a wedding next weekend (!!)...

A couple of weeks ago we were hosting a game night and I put Josh in charge of snacks. He ran to the “fancy” party store and came back with some cheeses, a dip, crackers, and cookie chips (<– yes, those are as good as they sound). I don’t know if this says more about me or Josh, but he had thought about grabbing a creamy, cheesy dip we had never tried before and inevitably grabbed hummus instead because he didn’t want to disappoint me. First of all, cheese is rarely disappointing. But really, afraid I’d react so poorly to him doing me a favor that he didn’t want to go for a dip he found interesting? Not okay! Being the kind, totally reasonable person I actually am, the next...

June 1, 2015

Two things I everyone loves: pancakes for breakfast and sleeping in. If it wasn’t for the fact I’d have to get out of bed earlier, I would have pancakes for breakfast erreday. Instead, we have pancakes for dinner more often than I should probably admit. Nothing wrong with a simple, easy meal, right? By some miracle, Friday Kelly was a total gem and mixed up pancake batter for Saturday morning Kelly. Normally, I’m constantly screwing over future Kelly , (uhh, yeah, I can totally stay up late catching up on GoT, future Kelly will totally understand) but for once I was thinking ahead. Plus, letting the oats soak overnight made for a much more delicious pancake. Soft and tender like an oatmeal cookie. I sweetened these cookie cakes with honey...

May 28, 2015

Have I mentioned my food truck idea? (No takesies!) It’s called Sun Daze and sells sundaes every day but Sunday. It stems pretty strongly from the fact that I want to put EVERYTHING on my sundaes. When I was in college and lived in the dorms, there would be hand dipped ice cream every couple of weeks. On those nights, it would take me so long to top my sundae that by the time I sat down to eat it, it was half melted. Woopsies. At home, I’m A. just a little too lazy to prep all those toppings B. trying to hold myself to a higher standard that doesn’t doesn’t involve eating a whole jar of marshmallow fluff. Occasionally, we’ll pick up some low fat ice cream or even...

May 20, 2015

I can’t be the only one constantly battling with herself to get more greens in her diet, right? I LOVE romaine lettuce, but it really takes a lot of thought and follow through to get other greens in my shopping cart. There’s nothing wrong with the average leafy green or any green, for that matter, but fresh veggies just don’t keep for very long and I never make a dish the day I originally plan for it. So how do I get enough greens in each day? With more effort than I’d like to admit, but here we go: Plan Ahead: I know I just said I’m bad at planning, but some degree is key here. What works for me is making a grocery list with everything I need for...

May 18, 2015

I’m a little late to the party, but I recently started watching the latest season of American Horror Story. It’s great and I love it, if it weren’t for the fact that I started watching this right before Josh was out of town overnight for a bachelor party. While I’m not normally afraid of clowns, there’s something about being alone in a house for the night (when you haven’t been in probably years) that makes EVERYTHING terrifying. As the cherry on top, I thought it was smart to watch this in bed. at midnight. as I was settling in to fall asleep. Needless to say, I didn’t have the soundest night of sleep and the kitties weren’t even close by to protect me. Next time, remind me to watch a...