Cinnamon Latte with Almond Coconut Milk
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Serves: 1 mug
  • ½ c Unsweetened Almond Breeze Almondmilk Coconutmilk Original
  • 3 oz espresso or very strong coffee
  • Cinnamon simple syrup (see the notes section in this recipe for a homemade version or use store bought)
  • Optional: additional sweetener if you're like Josh and want it extra sweet!
  1. Prepare espresso and pour into your favorite coffee mug. Stir in cinnamon simple syrup, to taste (I recommend starting with about 4 tsp and increasing based on your preferences), adding additional sweetener at this time if you want it.
  2. Froth your milk using your favorite method/tool.
  3. Slowly pour your milk over the espresso using a spoon to hold back the foam and let the thinner milk pour out first. Move the spoon and carefully pour the foam on top (sometimes I like to transfer my foam with a spoon to ensure I get a big pile of it).
After frothing/foaming the milk up, it will just about double in size.
Recipe by Hidden Fruits and Veggies at