Alcoholic Butterbeer
Prep time: 
Total time: 
  • Butterscotch liqueur (Any price bracket will work)
  • Whipped Cream flavored vodka (I suggest a mid- to high-quality)
  • Cream Soda
  1. For shots: Shake 1 part liqueur with 1 part vodka with ice. Strain and add a splash of soda to each shot
  2. For cocktails: In a glass, mix 1 shot liqueur and 1 shot whipped cream vodka. Add soda to dilute to your preference.
For best results, chill all ingredients before preparing.

Cream soda comes in clear and caramel colored varieties. I used the caramel colored for the full visual effect as the liqueur and vodka are both clear, but it is not necessary.

If you're dying for a foam on top, microwave a little Cool Whip and stir in a few drops of butterscotch liqueur or coffee flavoring/syrup
Recipe by Hidden Fruits and Veggies at